

We work with largest global logistics companies to optimize both the logistics costs as well as the speed of delivery. Depending on terms and availability, we provide air freight, ocean and ground transportation.

Our routing specialists have long experience in managing the complexities of the global supply chain. They have also developed and negotiated relationships with logistics providers which are only available to select partners.

Through our logistics service, we ensure that the goods will come exactly to the address that you designate. Furthermore, we also help you manage all the documentation that accompanies the product along the way.

Our logistics service comes standard in all the cases we supply goods and the vast majority of our clients use this service of ours.


In case you need space capacity to store the supplies you source through us, we can help you with warehousing services. We have built relationships with global warehousing operators and are able to find the one most convenient for your case.

The warehousing providers that we work with ensure highest levels of safety and compliance to the prescribed requirements for storing the specific PPE and other goods. This ensures that your goods will not lose the quality by the time you need them.

We provide this service to all our partners, but we notice that our corporate clients experience a particular lack of unplanned space.

Our warehousing service suite includes stock holding, quality maintenance, receipt of goods and dispatch, labeling, freight forwarding, parceling, preparation and others.


In case your order is too small to meet the minimum order requirements of large and high-quality suppliers, we will provide the service of aggregating your order with other orders of similar size so we can help you meet the minimum order requirements.

The global pandemic has caused many manufacturers and suppliers not to work with smaller orders as they are already struggling to meet the existing demand. This puts pressure on smaller orders who unfortunately get left out of the process. It also limits the access of such smaller orders to large manufacturers and suppliers, and often means that smaller orders are fulfilled by a re-seller much further down the line, which increases the prices of goods.

We are providing the aggregation service as a means to solve that problem and as a means of helping smaller customers who are ordering smaller orders, still reach the higher quality suppliers and earlier in the value chain, so that prices are also more affordable, thus adding to the transparency in the value chain.


We work with financing partners that can provide financing for your order, depending on the terms. Your protection should not be prevented by finances.

Most orders today, given the global pandemic, require advance payments or have other strict payment terms. In case such payment terms are hard for you to meet, we can help you work with our financing services providers and obtain financing.

Such financing may help you bridge the gap before the receipt of goods or other temporary liquidity needs that you may have in relation to the current ongoing pandemic. The financing may also help you obtain the goods sooner, when the protection need is the highest. It is also useful in cases of temporary procedural issues on your end in cases where the current pandemic is preventing you from executing payments.

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